Lily Psychology does not offer emergency services or have 24 hour availability. If you need immediate assistance in a mental health emergency call 000 or go to the nearest emergency room.
CLICK TO OPEN/DOWNLOAD - KNOX MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLBEING SUPPORT CARD (PDF) You can also see your General Practitioner. Triple Zero - 000 1800Respect - 1800 737 732 After Hours Mental Health Nurse Support Service - 1300 003 509 Beyond Blue - 1300 22 4636 Buddhist Care Line (listening service; WA) - 08 6270 4671 Child and Youth Mental Health Service (CYMHS) - 1300 721 927 Chinese Peer Connection (Gambling Help) Directline (people impacted by drug use) - 1800 888 236 Eastern Centre Against Sexual Assault (ECASA) - 03 9870 7330 Family Drug Help (people impacted by drug use) - 1300 660 068 Family Violence (support for women and children) - 1800 015 188 FVREE - 03 9259 4200 FriendLine - 1800 424 287 Gambler’s Help City and Inner North (GHCIN) (Cities of Melbourne, Yarra, Moreland and Moonee Valley, Victoria) - 03 9653 3250 Gambler's Help Eastern Gambling Helpline - 1800 858 858 Griefline - 1300 845 745 Headspace - 1800 650 890 Headspace Knox - 03 9801 6088 HeadtoHealth (VIC) - 1800 595 212 Kids Helpline - 1800 55 1800 Lifeline - 13 11 14 MensLine - 1300 78 99 78 Men's Referral Service - 1300 766 491 Mental Health Triage Service - Mullum Mullum Indigenous Gathering Place - 03 9725 2166 Ngarrang Gulinj-al Boordup EACH Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing - 1300 003 224 Nurse-On-Call (VIC) - 1300 60 60 24 OCD and Anxiety Helpline (VIC) - 1300 269 438 Orange Door PANDA (Post or ante natal depression) - 1300 726 306 Parentline (VIC) - 13 22 89 Parentline (QLD & NT) - 1300 301 300 Psychiatric Triage (Outer East areas - East Ringwood, Ringwood, Upper Ferntree Gully) - 1300 721 927 Rainbow Door - 1800 729 367 Safesteps (Family Violence Support) - 1800 015 188 Samaritans (WA) - 135 247 Sane - 1800 187 263 Sexual Assault Crisis Line (SACL) (VIC) - 1800 806 292 Standby Support After Suicide - 1300 727 247 SuicideLine (VIC) - 1300 651 251 Switchboard (LGBTQIA+ Support; VIC) - 1800 184 527 or 03 9663 2939 WithRespect - 1800 542 847 |